Atomic Productions High School Interns
Every summer, we take on one to two high school students that want to do film or video production for a living. We give each potential student a job interview, and then we “hire” them for 4 weeks. The students come from San Lorenzo High School’s Bay Area Digital Arts program and will be seniors when they return to school in the fall. Besides getting hands-on experience with us, they can also earn high school credit for completing the internship.
We customize each internship experience for our students and help them focus on the various parts of production they are most interested in. We’ve had students who want to be producers and directors, students who want to shoot, and others who only want to edit or work in post-production.
Ideally, we try to take our students on at least one shoot, let them shoot footage of their own, and edit a project. It’s been fun watching them do their own projects over the years.
Our interns in 2015 shot and edited a Behind the Scenes Video for our 2015 Northern California Mercedes-Benz Shoot with Sergio Romo.
We’ve had several sets of interns do mini-documentaries on Atomic Productions, the latest one from this year’s interns.
We like to think of internships as training our eventual replacements. Cheers to all our future film and video makers!